Module jonix.onix2

Class AudienceRestrictionFlag

All Implemented Interfaces:
OnixElement<AudienceRestrictionFlags>, OnixTag, Serializable

public class AudienceRestrictionFlag extends Object implements OnixElement<AudienceRestrictionFlags>, Serializable

Audience restriction flag

Used with <AudienceRestrictionNote> where within a particular market there is an additional restriction on sale, imposed either by the publisher (eg an answer book to be sold only to bona fide teachers) or by another agency (eg “indexing” in the German market). Optional and non-repeating.

Format Provisional: fixed-length, single letter
Codelist List 56
Reference name <AudienceRestrictionFlag>
Short tag <j146>
Example <AudienceRestrictionFlag>R</AudienceRestrictionFlag> Restrictions apply

This tag may be included in the following composites:

Possible placements within ONIX message:

See Also: