Module jonix.onix2

Class DeletionCode

All Implemented Interfaces:
OnixElement<ProductCompositions>, OnixTag, Serializable

public class DeletionCode extends Object implements OnixElement<ProductCompositions>, Serializable

Reason for deletion code

An ONIX code which indicates the reason why an ONIX record is being deleted. Optional and non-repeating; and may occur only when the <NotificationType> element carries the code value 05. Note that it refers to the reason why the record is being deleted, not the reason why a product has been “deleted” (in industries which use this terminology when a product is withdrawn).

Format Fixed-length, two numeric digits
Codelist List 2
Reference name <DeletionCode>
Short tag <a198>

This tag may be included in the following composites:

Possible placements within ONIX message:

See Also: