Module jonix.onix2

Class EditionStatement

All Implemented Interfaces:
OnixElement<String>, OnixTag, Serializable

public class EditionStatement extends Object implements OnixElement<String>, Serializable

Edition statement

A short free-text description of a version or edition. Optional and non-repeating. When used, the <EditionStatement> must carry a complete description of the nature of the edition, ie it should not be treated as merely supplementary to an <EditionTypeCode> or an <EditionNumber>. The <EditionStatement> should be strictly limited to describing features of the content of the edition, and should not include aspects such as rights or market restrictions which are properly covered elsewhere in the ONIX record.

Format Variable-length text, suggested maximum length 100 characters.
Reference name <EditionStatement>
Short tag <b058>
Example <b058>3rd edition, revised with an introduction and notes</b058>

This tag may be included in the following composites:

Possible placements within ONIX message:

See Also: