Module jonix.onix2

Class RecordReference

All Implemented Interfaces:
OnixElement<String>, OnixTag, Serializable

public class RecordReference extends Object implements OnixElement<String>, Serializable

Record reference number

For every product, you must choose a single number which will uniquely identify the Information record which you send out about that product, and which will remain as its permanent identifier every time you send an update. It doesn’t matter what number you choose, provided that it is unique and permanent. This number doesn’t really identify the product – even though you may choose to use the ISBN or another product identifier – it identifies your information record about the product, so that the person to whom you are sending an update can match it with what you have previously sent. A good way of generating numbers which are not part of a recognized product identification scheme but which can be guaranteed to be unique is to preface the number with an Internet domain name which is registered to your organisation.

This field is mandatory and non-repeating.

Format Variable-length, alphanumeric, suggested maximum length 32 characters.
Reference name <RecordReference>
Short tag <a001>
Example <RecordReference>8474339790</RecordReference>

This tag may be included in the following composites:

Possible placements within ONIX message:

See Also: