Module jonix.onix2

Class TextFormat

All Implemented Interfaces:
OnixElement<TextFormats>, OnixTag, Serializable

public class TextFormat extends Object implements OnixElement<TextFormats>, Serializable

Other text format

An ONIX code which identifies the format of text which is sent in the <Text> element, or referenced in the <TextLink> element. Optional and non-repeating. It is now possible to use a “textformat” attribute in the <Text> element for this purpose, and this is the recommended practise when the text is sent in the ONIX record. The <TextFormat> element may still be used when the text is held outside the ONIX record, and referenced by the <TextLink> element.

Format Fixed-length, two numeric digits
Codelist List 34
Reference name <TextFormat>
Short tag <d103>
Example <d103>02</d103> HTML

This tag may be included in the following composites:

Possible placements within ONIX message:

See Also: