Module jonix.onix3

Class PublishingStatus

All Implemented Interfaces:
OnixElement<PublishingStatuss>, OnixTag, Serializable

public class PublishingStatus extends Object implements OnixElement<PublishingStatuss>, Serializable

Publishing status

An ONIX code which identifies the status of a published product. Optional and non-repeating, but required if publishing status is not identified at market level in <MarketPublishingDetail> (P.25).

Where the element is sent by a sender who is not the publisher, based on information that has been previously supplied by the publisher, it is strongly recommended that it should carry a datestamp attribute to indicate its likely reliability. See Section 1 for further details of the datestamp attribute.

Format Fixed length, two digits
Codelist List 64
Reference name <PublishingStatus>
Short tag <b394>
Cardinality 0…1
Example <PublishingStatus>02</PublishingStatus> (Forthcoming)
Notes Note the typical progression of publishing status, from announcement to out-of-print, through the life cycle of a product. The pale shaded area shows when the product is 'orderable' from the publisher or the publisher's distributor, though if the product is 'Forthcoming' (and is later postponed indefinitely or cancelled) or the product 'Out of stock indefinitely', the order may not be fulfilled. Statuses 'Withdrawn', 'Recalled' are not shown on the diagram, but would normally be preceded by 'Active'. Statuses 'No longer our product' and 'Unknown' are also not shown. In exceptional circumstances, products that are 'Out of print' are occasionally reactivated, returned to 'Active' status, via a reprint or print-on-demand decision, and a 'Cancelled' product may be reviewed and the title re-announced: [out of stock, no reprint orders pending] [out of stock, no reprint orders pending] Out of print (07) announce Forthcoming (02) publish on time? publish on time? [publish] [publish] Active (04) Out of stock indefinitely, RUC (06) [reprint] [reprint] [no reprint] [no reprint] postpone? Cancelled (01) [abandon] [abandon] new date set? new date set? reprint? reprint? Postponed indefinitely (03) [abandon] [abandon] intend to publish? intend to publish? [new date] [no new date] [no new date] [new date set] [new date set] Remaindered (10) [out of stock] [excess stock] This element and the equivalent <MarketPublishingStatus> in P.25 are frequently confused with <ProductAvailability> in P.26. The latter describes whether the product is available from a particular supplier (eg a distributor or wholesaler) - it is an attribute of the supply chain - whereas the publishing status of a product describes decisions made solely by the publisher or the publisher's representative in a market. For example, a publisher may decide that a product is 'out of print' even while there are many copies available in the supply chain - the OP decision would be reflected in <PublishingStatus> while the continued availability of copies would be reflected in <ProductAvailability>.

This tag may be included in the following composites:

Possible placements within ONIX message:

See Also: